About the Analytics Simulator

This course...

  • Teaches R and Python through real-world scenarios.
  • Explores a struggling business that can be saved through analytics and data science.
  • Pushes you to process / munge the data, build models, and then interpret those models for an executive audience.
  • Focuses on building understanding of data science in R and Python and remembering so you don't have to Google functions as much.

You will receive...

  • Early free access to the Simulator.
  • Special discount when the final product is launched.
  • Invitations to test new data science learning experiences before the public.

Who is behind the Simulator?

Will Johnson - Data Scientist

Will Johnson has spent eight years in the analytics field with responsibility over a team of analysts and being the analytics lead for a multi-billion dollar e-commerce company.

Currently, Will works for Microsoft as a Data Solution Architect for the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. In this role, Will works with clients to design data and machine learning systems ranging from marketing predictions to computer vision.

Will enjoys teaching others about data science and sharing his enthusiasum for analysis. In his free time, Will enjoys reading old Sci-Fi / dystopian future books, practicing his German, and spending time with his Wife and daughter.

Why Create This Course?

The world is full of free tutorials and cheaply priced online courses. The problem is that after completing the course, you quickly forget what you don't use or what you just studied to pass a quiz.

This course is designed to create real experiences that you can remember. The course is more like a video game or a Choose Your Own Adventure book - but with data!

Building on top of memory research, the experiences you will have in the game plus the tools embedded in the game will help you remember where that function is in the Python package or what hyperparameters you can search across in R's caret package.

This course was created to help move us away from being "script kiddies" search StackOverflow to just read a csv and to develop others into professional data scientists who know their tools and algorithms like the back of their hands.